Spatial Planning and Transport


Planners are aware of the different thought patterns: Local planning is geared towards the needs of residents and their development considerations. But at the same time, spatial planning must draw more regional considerations into the calculation, such as flood protection or space-saving housing development. It is important to coordinate all of the diverse requirements and needs. Climate change and changing demographics require a particularly high degree of far-sightedness with regard to planning concerns. Frequently many years may elapse between the planning and implementation of a project. We ask uncomfortable questions: „Can development and conservation interests be sustainably linked with each other where there is only limited space available? What are the demands on modern public transport systems in the Alpine area? How does demographic change impact on the provision of nurseries, schools, care for the elderly and medicine?“ – And we have the answers! For 20 years we have been advising regions and authorities at all levels in the implementation of pilot projects related to planning. We create development scenarios in a graphical form, consolidate studies in model regions. We process the resulting data in GIS-based plans.


In the transport sector, we create local transport plans and do the groundwork for their implementation, helping regions and communities to ensure the mobility of visitors and residents in a sustainable way. We also cast an expert eye over communal transport policies, such as parking management, parking zones and temporary solutions for large-scale events. The requirements of climate change and increasing energy costs are at the forefront of our thinking.


Working with our tourism partners, we plan cycle networks and hiking trails, and integrate public transport services into modern visitor cards. Whatever the area concerned, we don’t just see planning as thinking ahead, but sowing the right seeds to make it happen.